Reflections On Grief & Loss

By Jessica Thomas PhD, LMFT

There would be no chance at all of getting to know death if it happened only once.  But fortunately, life is nothing but a continuing dance of birth and death, a dance of change. Every time I hear the rush of a mountain stream, or the waves crashing on the shore, or my own heartbeat, I hear the sound of impermanence.  These changes, these small deaths, are our living links with death. 

By Sogyal Rinpoche from The Tibetan Book of Living and Dying 

Facing loss

Facing loss

In times of loss and pain, our mind has a tendency to disengage, becoming disenfranchised from our experience, or our thoughts and emotions become so turbulent that we overindulge them. Facing loss can bring about an epiphany that awakens individuals and family members to the importance of healing old wounds, and reordering priorities for deeper and more meaningful relationships. In order to experience such a shift, the heart and mind must be...

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Anticipatory Loss

Anticipatory Loss

As humans, we have the capacity to anticipate a future. We anticipate with fear and hope, and often times find ourselves oscillating  between the two. When we are faced with the loss of a loved one (or life transition) we might find ourselves ruminating with fear; we fear  living without our loved one, we fear what life might be like without them or we fear of never being happy again or we fear loneliness. Perhaps we also have hope; we hope...

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Dr. Jessica Thomas

Jessica’s compassion and expertise stems from her understanding of the web of connections and emotional dynamics unfolding in contemporary families, couples, and larger organizational systems. She believes that we are all connected, that through awareness we can create meaning, and learn the causes of our own happiness and the conditions for others’ happiness.

Mindful Photography

The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera.

Grief & Loss

Normally we do not like to think about death… we would rather think about life

Clinical Supervision

A space to receive new knowledge, expertise, support and growth