Online Therapy

Therapy for couples, individuals, families and group therapy classes

Life experience offers myriad circumstances that deepen and fine-tune our reflective nature, often uncovering our most profound yearnings and highest callings. Indeed, it is through the practice of reflection, honed through the therapeutic process, that we expand awareness to reveal our greatest gifts — the capacity to create meaning from our experience and the potential for happiness.


Therapy Services and Creative Ventures



Individuals · Families · Couples
Offering Online Sessions


Groups & Classes

Comfortable and safe environment


Consulting / Supervision

Clinical supervision · mentorship · professional consultation


Grief & Loss

Awareness and acceptance through the reflective therapeutic process

Dr. Jessica Thomas

Jessica’s compassion and expertise stems from her understanding of the web of connections and emotional dynamics unfolding in contemporary families, couples, and larger organizational systems. She believes that we are all connected, that through awareness we can create meaning, and learn the causes of our own happiness and the conditions for others’ happiness.

Contact Dr. Jessica